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文章来源:雨润机械网  |  2022-12-26

克里斯塔尔全球(Cristal Global )宣布美国钛白粉工厂停产

Cristal Global to discontinue titanium dioxide production 输出符合工艺要求的转速和功率at facility in the USA

Cristal Global has announced that it will cease base pigment manufacturing at its Hawkins Point Plant in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The plant was idled in March 2009 as a result of the severe economic downturn. Despite recently improved demand for titanium dioxide, the long-term outlook for坐垫 the facility remains unfavorable. "We are able to manuf强度性能比传统材料的高30%acture the products made at this facility at our other, lower cost sites," said John Hall, Senior Vice-President, Strategy and Development. However, while base pigment production will formally end, the co速腾配件mpany studies all possible options for continue拉网机d manufacturing activity at the site. The Hawkins Point plant, established in 1954, manufactured titanium dioxide, a white pigment used to provide whiteness, brightness, opacity and durability to co浮标atings, plastics, and paper.

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